The £1 Hospital
The £1 Hospital is a British Charity registered in England and Wales on Charity reg. number 1162150. The main objective of the charity is to offer front-line essential healthcare to the poorest people in Bangladesh. In order to perform these services this charity has taken an initiative to build a British standard 50 bed general hospital at Biswanath Sylhet. Sylhet is a divisional city in the north eastern region of Bangladesh with 10 million inhabitants.
This charity started its first phase in March 2017 through Free Friday Clinic in Biswanath Sylhet. However, to extend these services every day of the week and build ‘One Pound General Hospital at Biswanath’ this charity appeals for your generous donations, help and support of any kind.
Our Vision
To build a UK Standard General Hospital for the poorest inhabitants of Bangladesh to have access to low cost, high-quality healthcare. Well off clients may buy these services for a reasonable price which will be a revenue stream for the ongoing costs of low-cost healthcare to the poorest. Absolutely poor patients may get free healthcare support; however, it depends on the availability of hospital funds or a sponsor.

As one of the Directors put it:
Front-line healthcare to the poor of the world is the most basic need next to a roof and food. Nutritional information and guidance along with affordable consultation and treatment would transform the lives of millions even billions of people and their families. People in Bangladesh are dying from the most simple and basic issues. We plan to change that and to put into place systems to vastly improve the health of the poorest and to help prevent recurrence.
The £1 Hospital Aims
The £1 Hospital aims to create and improve awareness and provide medical treatment for disadvantaged patients in Bangladesh and later elsewhere. It could utilise the strength of a pound/equivalent money, from the those more fortunate people to make a difference to the lives of the poorest in the remote area in Bangladesh. It could help to develop an awareness and draw the attention of Bangladesh health authority in order to develop a system to protect the people from the risk of antibiotic resistance.
The situation no doubt will get much worse if no action is taken by the government or by organisations such as the £1 hospital who have identified this near crisis point problem and are acting to remedy it.