Supporting Us Through Donation In Memory

Donate In Memory
Donating in memory of someone is a special way to honour them and help others at the same time. We’re always grateful for your donations. Your generosity will help us fund life-saving treatment to the poorest.
Here are some of the ways you can donate in memory of someone:
- Make a donation in the name of someone or make a WILL to your property. Our lawyer will help in this regard.
- Set up a Brighter Future Fund.
- Hold a collection at the funeral or memorial ceremony.
- Do your own fundraising or take part in an event or challenge.
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Because a better life and we need your hand

Gift Aid is a UK Government scheme that allows registered charities to increase the value of your donations by claiming back income or capital gains tax you’ve already paid. You can increase the value of your donations by 25% at no extra cost to you.