While your donation amount will be £10000 or above you will be honoured as a Patron/munificent donor of the ‘One Pound General Hospital Biswnath, Sylhet’ and your name with a passport size photograph will appear at the ‘Wall Of Honor’ at the proposed hospital reception area. It will be on the history of the hospital and all the publications including web sites.
You can be a Founder Member of the One Pound General Hospital Biswanath and your donation will be used to foundation work including land purchase. A Person who offers a donation of £1000 or more would be memorialised in our hospital reception on the ‘wall of honour,’ hospital history and website page. Upon completion your donation a read more

Honorable Patron
Mr. Samuj Ali
FP 01Mr Samuj Ali is the first Founder Patron of the OPGH, who is an inspirational businessman at Petersfield in the United Kingdom. Mr Ali is originally of village Kazir Gow, at Biswanath Upozila in Sylhet. He is a true humanitarian and a generous donor. His donation amount is £10000
Petersfield, UK
Kazir Gown, Biswnath
Mr. Sana Miah
FP 02Mr Sana Miah is the second Founder Patron of the One Pound General Hospital (OPGH) Biswanath, who is a magnificent businessman at London in the United Kingdom. Mr Miah is originally of village Chandborang at Biswanath Upozila in Sylhet. Mr Miah is a true humanitarian and a generous donor. His donation amount is £10000
London, UK
Baishghor, Biswanath
Mr. Suleman Khan
FP 03Mr. Suleman Khan is the third Founder Patron of One Pound General Hospital (OPGH) Biswanath, who a successful businessman at London in the United Kingdom. Mr Khan is originally of village Shazir Gow, at Biswnath upozila in Sylhet. He is a true humanitarian and a generous donor. His donation amount is £10000
London, UK
Shazirgaw, Biswanath
Mr. Haji Siddek Ali
FP 04Mr Haji Siddek Ali is a generous donor and a true humanitarian. He has secured 4th Founder Patron of the One Pound General Hospital (OPGH) Biswanath. Mr Ali is a resident of Halifax in the United Kingdom. He is originally of village Shazir Gow at Biswanath Upozila in Sylhet. His donation amount is £10000
Shazirgaw, Biswanath

Mohammed Sajjadur Rahman
FP 05Mohammed Sajadur Rahman is the 5th Founder Patron of the OPGH, who is a munificent donor of Bedford in the United Kingdom. Mr Rahman is an entrepreneur and originally from village- Norshingpur, at Biswanath, Sylhet in Bangladesh. He is a true humanitarian and a generous donor. His donation amount is £10000
Norshingpur, Biswnath.
Bedford, UK
Honorable Founder Member
Dr M S Ali
FM 01Portsmouth, UK
Kamalpur, Biswnath
Cllr M Ayas Miah
FM 02London, UK
Dhorarai, Biswnath
Dr Md Mahbub Ali
FM 03Portsmouth, UK
Uposhohor, Sylhet
M Abul Hashem
FM 04London, UK
Shimultola, Biswanath
Mr Moyeen Uddin
FM 05Shantinagar, Dhaka
Ansar Habib
FM 06Bradford, UK
Doulothpur, Biswanath
Moulana S Islam
FM 07London, UK
Kaligonj Bazar, Biswanath
Cllr S S Ameen
FM 08London, UK
Elamer Gow, Biswanath
Sheikh H Roshid
FM 09Kent, UK
Ramdhana, Biswanath
Abul Hussain
FM 10Coventry, UK
Chowdhury Gow, Biswanath
Golam Sadat Jewel
FM 11Florida, USA
Asraf Hussain
FM 12Cheltenham, UK
Dhormoda, Biswanath
M Ali Salik
FM 13Bradford, UK
Bawon Pur, Biswanath
Alhaj Jamir Ali
FM 14Portsmouth, UK
Tegra, Lala Bazar
E H Zillul (Late)
FM 15Bristol, UK
Dhosghor, Biswanath
Zillul Haque
FM 16Bristol, UK
Dhosghor, Biswanath
M Abdul Ahad
FM 17London, UK
Shajir Gow, Sylhet
R Ali Journalist
FM 18London, UK
Nowagoawn, Dhosghor
M Faruq Miah
FM 19East Sussex, UK
Shenar Gow, Biswanath
Bashir Ahmed
FM 20Northampton, UK
Shasram, Kurua
Alhaj M S Islam
FM 21London,UK
Khajansi union, Biswanath
Abdul S M Khan
FM 22Northampton, UK
Hamidpur, Bisawanath
Haji Arman Ali
FM 23Oldham, UK
M Azizur Rahman
FM 24Ilford, UK
Karikuna, Biswanath
Muhammad Mosrab Khan
FM 25Ilford, UK
Shreedhor pur, Biswanath
Mr Alhaj Hasson Ali
FM 26London, UK
Horikolos, Biswanath
Haji Abdul Noor
FM 27London, UK
Ramdhana, Biswanath
Mr M A Salam
FM 28Illford, UK
Alongkari, Sylhet
Mr Mohammed Abdun Noor
FM 29Philadelphia, USA
Islamabad, Biswanath
Mr Mohammed Shamsul Islam
FM 30Portsmouth, UK
Kamal Bazar, Dokhin Surma
Mr Mohammed Abdun Noor
FM 31London, UK
Shimultola, Sylhet
Abu Bakar Muhammad Siddik
FM 32London, UK
Telikuna, Biswanath
Master Shah Mostab Ali
FM 33Oldham, UK
East Kaupur, Biswanath
Late Mokoddus Ali
FM 34London, UK
Bawonpur, Biswanath
Mr Md Noor Miah
FM 35Rochdale, UK
Aashugonj Bazar, Biswanath
M Jamal Uddin
FM 36Oldham, UK
Alongka, Biswnath
Mr Abdul Bari
FM 37London, UK
Ali Nogor, Lala Bazar
Mr Akthar Hussain
FM 38Portsmouth, UK
Mirerchor, Biswanth
Mr Mohammed Arif Ullah
FM 39London, UK
Doulotpur, Biswanath
Cllr Mrs Ayesha Chowdhury
FM 40London, UK
Shordar Para, Biswanth
Mr Raju Miah
FM 41London , UK
Motuk Kuna, Biswanath
Mr Dilwar Hossain
FM 42London, UK
Shimul Tola, Biswanth
Mrs Rokeya Begum
FM 43Bristol, UK
Shimultola, Biswanath
Mrs Zohura Bibi
FM 44Bristol, UK
Shimultola, Biswanath
Mr Khaled Masud Roney
FM 45London, UK
Ramdhana, Biswanath
Moulana Ruhul Ameen
FM 46Luton, UK
Shingerkatch, Biswanath
Mr Md Ala Uddin
FM 47Somerset, UK
Alongkari(West), Biswanath
Golam Osmani
FM 48Manchester, UK
Osmani Nogor, Sylhet
Mr Hasan Ali
FM 49New Castle, UK
Kamalpur, Biswanath
Mr Saiful Alom
FM 50New Castle, UK
Ramdhana, Biswanath
Mr Muzammil Ali
FM 51Swindon, UK
Bishghor, Biswanath
Mr Ashikur Rahman
FM 52Heston, UK
Dondopani Pur, Biswanath
Mr Mafiz Khan
FM 53Birmingham, UK
Hamidpur, Biswanath
Mrs Hasna Begum
FM 54Birmingham, UK
Dhormoda, Biswanath
Haij Azman Ali
FM 55Birmingham, UK
Guahori, Biswanath
Mrs Sofina Bibi
FM 56Birmingham, UK
Guahori, Biswanath
Mr Habib Ulla
FM 57Birmingham, UK
Shingerkach, Biswanath
Mrs Alhaj Anwara Begum
FM 58Birmingham, UK
Poshchimbag, Biswanath
Mr Moulad Miah
FM 59Luton, UK
Soruwala, Biswanath
Mr Lukman Uddin
FM 60Southend-on -Sea, UK
Pakhisree, Biswnath
Mr Siraj Uddin
FM 61London, UK
Biswanather Gow, Biswanath
Mr Monir Ahmed
FM 62London, UK
Mohammadpur, Biswanath
Mr Mohammad A Miah
FM 63Ashford, UK
Shimultola, Biswanath
Mr M A Rouf
FM 64London, UK
Tukerkandi, Biswanath
Lord Jahangir Khan
FM 65Stoke-on-Trent, UK
Lawai Dokhin Surma, Sylhet
Mawlana Shah Muhammad Elhan
FM 66West Essex, UK
Biswanath, Puran Bazar
Sheikh Mohammed Abdur Rashid
FM 67London, UK
Muftir Gow, Biswanath
Mr Alhaj Tahir Ali
FM 68London, UK
Karikuna, Biswanath
Mr Sheikh Suroth Miah Ashab
FM 69Liverpool, UK
Uttor-Dormoda, Biswanath
Hekim Shah Firr Shab
FM 70West Yorkshire, UK
Shazir Gow, Biswanath
Mr Mosahid Ali
FM 71Ipswich, UK
Mondolkapon, Biswanath
Mrs Jumara Begum
FM 72Ipswich, UK
Mondolkapon , Biswanath
Late Mahmud Ali
FM 73London, UK
Shimultola, Biswanath
Mr Sikondor Ali (Late)
FM 74Portsmouth , UK
Ramdhana, Biswanath
Mrs Aleya Bahar Choudhury
FM 75Ilford, UK
Doyamir, Bala Gonj
Mrs Anwara Islam
FM 76Lancs, UK
Janaya, Biswanath
Barrister Ahmed A Malik
FM 77London, UK
Muftir Gaon, Biswanath
Haji Md Moboshir Ali
FM 78Essex, UK
Mullabari, Biswanath
Late Hormuz Ali
FM 79Hants, UK
Puran Gow, Biswanath
Haji Mohammed Rajan Ali
FM 80Barking, UK
Doulotpur, Biswanath
Mohammed Almamun
FM 81Shipley, UK
Uposhohor, Sylhet
Mr Abdun Noor
FM 82London, UK
Habra Bazar, Biswanath
M A Rouf Muktijudda
FM 83Thetford Norfolk, UK
Doulotpur, Biswanath
Mr Alkas Miah
FM 84Dominion Walk, UK
Dhorarai, Biswanath
Mohammad Gulam Mostafa
FM 85St Albans Herts, UK
Usmaninagar, Sylhet
Late Md Babul Miah
FM 86London, UK
Dokhinsurma, Sylhet
Shah Firuz Ali
FM 87Oldham, UK
Miajaner Gow, Doulotpur
Mr Alkas Ali Rayhan
FM 88Oxford, UK
West Shasram, Biswanath
Alhaj Md Abdul Alim
FM 89London, UK
Doctorbari, Biswanath
Mr Mohammed Adul Ali Liakoth
FM 90Newcastle, UK
Vagmoth Pur, Palorchok
Mr Faruk Miah
FM 91London, UK
Raykeli, Biswanath
Hazi Helal Miah
FM 92Bradford, UK
Muftir Gow, Biswanath
Late Hajji Abdul Bari
FM 93Rochdale, UK
Mirerchor 1(Borobari), Biswanath
Late Hajji Abdul Mannan
FM 94Grays Essex, UK
Mirerchor 1(Borobari), Biswanath
Mr Mohammed Ali Mortuza
FM 95London, UK
Biswanather Gow, Biswanath
Mrs Rufia Begum
FM 96London, UK
Daulotpur, Biswanath
Mr Makram Ali (Afruj)
FM 97Wiltshire, UK
Shimultola, Biswanath
Hajji Belal Miah
FM 98Bournemouth, UK
I & A Family Trust UK
FM 99East Sussex, UK
Shenar Gow, Biswanath
Mr Dulal Uddin Ahmed
FM 100Portsmouth, UK
Gobondo sree, Bianibazar
Hajji Sha Abdul Haque
FM 101Portsmouth, UK
Majerhati, Biswanath
Hajji Begum Nasima Akhtar Haque
FM 102Portsmouth, UK
Majerhati, Biswanath
Mrs Mahbuba Akther Riju
FM 103Petersfield, UK
Kajir Gow, Biswanath
Mrs Thahmina Akther Shilpa
FM 104Stoke-On-Trent, UK
Kazirgow, Biswanath
Mr Sajjad Ali
FM 105Portsmouth, UK
Kajir Gow, Biswanath
Mr Abdul Karim
FM 106Oldham, UK
Tengra, Biswanath
Late Md Anwar Uddin
FM 107Swansea, UK
Singer Kach, Biswanath
Alhajj Mohammed Azizul Haque
FM 108Petersfield, UK
chattok, Sunamgonj
Mr Shamsu Miah Loylus
FM 109Essex, UK
Dhosghor, Biswanath
Mr Abdul Hakim
FM 110Cardiff, UK
Alongkari, Biswanath
Mrs Asia Begum
FM 111Cardiff, UK
Alongkari, Biswanath
Mr Gulam Mustafa
FM 112London, UK
Lamatukar Bazar, Biswanath
Mr Masuk Miah
FM 113London, UK
Kamalpur, Biswanath